A stage 4 cancer patient North Carolina reeled from the revelation the disease would likely kill him. It’s a sobering though and an equally sobering event. All at once your life priorities change in knowing you have only a sliver of a chance of survival. But for Richard Beare, a small piece of bittersweet good news followed the devastating news. He won $250,000 on a scratchcard lottery game. That works out at about £180,000 – a not insubstantial amount of money. He now intends to enjoy his life a bit more while using some of the winnings to pay for his care.

The Stage 4 Cancer Patient Speaks of His Win
It was a poignant moment after receiving the diagnosis. The stage 4 cancer patient Richard Beare and his wife were out driving one day. As they passed a grocery store Mrs Beare asked her husband to stop. She’d heard of a new scratchcard lottery game with a high jackpot. That game is the “Carolina Black” card, part of the North Carolina Education Lottery. They decided to purchase four tickets. The first three returned nothing but on the fourth, Mr Beare noticed that the numbers matched. He was a little confused and asked his wife what that meant.
But the pair could not believe it. While convinced that they had won a prize, the Beares did not believe they had won the jackpot. Mister Beare even joked “I guess we’ve won the 250 grand”. That was until they realised that they had won the big prize. Dumbstruck, they sat in the car looking from the ticket to each other and back again. A bittersweet day for a stage 4 cancer patient but at least they can plan a holiday for some respite from their troubles. Mister Beare said his wife had family in Italy and that they now planned to visit.