We’re always delighted to present incredible stories of the good causes that lotteries support. From local arts events and community groups right up to internationally-recognised heritage sites. The main UK lotteries support them all. One of the many charities that the People’s Postcode Lottery supports helps people with dementia improve their quality of life. The charity Dementia Adventure provides holidays and activities to aid a medical issue expected to affect over one million people by 2025. We’re living longer, healthier lives and that means conditions such as dementia are only likely to become more common.
About the People’s Postcode Lottery and Charity Dementia Adventure

There is presently no cure for dementia and there is unlikely to be one soon. Researchers are only just unlocking all the secrets of the condition. It isn’t an inevitable fact of getting older, but it is most common among older populations. Until then, we can only do what we can to keep people mentally sharp and active. We know that doing so can help mitigate dementia and eventually hold it off. That is why the charity Dementia Adventure and many others like it presently exist – to help dementia patients and their families. It provides support and activities such as:
- Outdoor adventures and physical activity such as going for walks
- Remaining physically and mentally active for a fit body and mind
- Maintaining and creating healthy social connections with family and friends
- Creating a purpose and (as the name demonstrates) a sense of adventure in later life
Such supported holidays that the charity Dementia Adventure provides can make a world of difference to mental well being. This applies not just to the patient, but to their friends and family too who also sometimes need a break. Carers, especially friends and family, report feeling refreshed and recharged after returning from a holiday. This is vital in helping everyone concerned.