The sheer size of the Australian bush fires in late 2019 and early 2020 struck everyone with horror. The immense loss of habitats and natural resources will go down as one of the worst ever environmental tragedies. For one residents, it was a personal tragedy. The bush fires destroyed their home – worse, they were not insured. They lost everything. But a spot of luck means they can rebuild house destroyed in the fire. They won a million dollar prize (AUD – around £525k). Their first priority was not in doubt – to build a new home with the proceeds.

Family to Rebuild House Destroyed in Bush Fire
Imagine realising too late your precious home is uninsured. All that was left of their family home was a few charred teacups. The heat from the fires in New South Wales has been that hot that few possessions remain standing. To rebuild house destroyed in the fire is harrowing, even with insurance. Yet a matter of days later, the unnamed family affected by the fire won the $1m AUD. Lottery HQ contacted the man to tell him the good news. The first thing he did was contact his wife to tell her the good news. He was at work and it couldn’t wait until the end of the day. The win feels all the more poignant because they were personal to the wife.
Some 2,000 homes have been destroyed to date with 25 deaths. Environmental charities estimate some half a billion native animals including koalas have died as a result of the tragedy. some good can come from tragedy, as this one family discovered. Thanks to a lottery win, one family can rebuild house destroyed over the last month. But Aid agencies from around the world say this is the single biggest bush fire the world has ever seen.