When it closed 15 years ago, there were fears that it would never again open its doors. But in 2020, thanks to a substantial lottery grant, Ipswich Broomhill Outdoor Pool will once again welcome visitors. What’s more, some of the money will go towards the heating element, creating a warm and pleasant swimming experience. The impressive art deco structure opened to fanfare in 1938 closed in 2002. By the end of 2018, restoration work will commence. It’s all thanks to a Heritage Lottery grant worth £3.4m for its restoration and conservation.

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The Plan for Ipswich Broomhill Outdoor Pool
But those expecting a mere restoration to former glory will not be disappointed. As well as restoring the iconic outdoor pool and upgrading the heating system, new facilities are planned. The new Ipswich Broomhill Outdoor Pool complex will include a new health and fitness centre due to open in 2019. The following year, it is hoped the pool itself will reopen by the start of the summer season. The attraction has always impressed locals. Built at a time when every town and city had an outdoor pool, the Broomhill example is one of the best. It boasted 700 seats for visitors and hosted over 2,000 people each day.
The project is the brainchild of fitness and leisure charity Fusion Lifestyle. The £6.5m scheme (of which the lottery fund is half) will:
- Restore the pool to working order
- Restore the diving boards so they may be used by a new generation
- Heating to cope with Britain’s milder temperatures
- The construction of a new replica clock tower in the art deco style of the surrounding complex
It is expected to be self-sustaining; the additional health centre will generate funds 12 months of the year. This cultural icon will create jobs and pay for itself.