The UK has many derelict buildings, and in the last few decades city councillors and building owners have seen the benefit to the communities to revitalise some of our decaying inner city areas. In some cases, historic buildings are turned over to residential areas. In others, money is driven towards tourism or for civic pride. Now, a new HLF funded arts project near Glasgow will convert the derelict St. Peter’s Catholic Seminary building and its woodland grounds into a multi-purpose destination.

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The HLF funded arts project on the north bank of the River Clyde, near Glasgow, will be housed in a building once considered a “modernist masterpiece” though its 20 year history was plagued with problems and it closed in 1986 due to water damage. The immediate issue is securing it against further damage from the elements and over £3.8m has been made available to the HLF funded arts project. A further £400,000 grant has come from arts organisations of Scotland. Most appropriately, the venue will be renamed “Hinterland” and will become a 600 capacity concert venue above ground; the crypt and chapel will become exhibition space.
A Vision for an HLF Funded Arts Project
In the long-term, the management company expect that Hinterland will become an internationally renowned venue for hosting world class events and exhibitions. The HLF funded arts project will also generate millions for the Scottish economy and provide jobs for local people. As for the hinterland of “Hinterland”, the estate will have environmental value for wildlife and for people to walk and enjoy more green spaces of a complex that would otherwise have fallen into disuse. The first task is to shore up the building and prepare it for its wider renovation.