In another story of lottery grants for good causes and community projects, anoth worthwhile cause has benefited from the funds made available through playing the games. It’s important to note just how much these projects come to rely on heritage lottery funding and other sources. One such community project is a small cinema in Eccleshill. Located in the Eccleshill Mechanics Institute, or the “Eccy Meccy” as it is affectionately known to locals, it has hosted local groups for many years including yoga and local meetings. The money specifically came from the Big Lottery Fund, one of the two largest pools of money set aside for worthy causes.

Copyright John Illingworth. Licensed for reuse with Creative Commons (licence here).
The lottery grant for good causes now expects to see the building become a cinema once again. Built in 1868, it was used as a silent picture house early on in its career before becoming a library for a short time. Locals are said to be delighted to receive the lottery grant for good causes and expect to provide this vital service very soon. Community cinemas often struggle to complete with larger town and city cinemas but nostalgia plus a desire to support the local community is a big pulling factor – even if it is often not enough in itself to support a community project.
The money will not just be used for installing the infrastructure to allow the facilities to show both classic and new films, but also for licensing authorities to advice and assist the community project to comply with regulations on screening. Equipment needed includes a screen, projector and a sound system and of course, any other upgrades to make the hall into a comfortable cinema and a nice place to be for all ages.